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Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Prophetic Message From Chuck Pierce

Pada bulan April ini menurut penanggalan Ibrani kita sedang memasuki bulan Nisan, bulan pertama dalam kalender Ibrani. Suku Ibrani yang dipilih Tuhan untuk menjadi yang pertama adalah Yehuda. Yehuda artinya memuji. Kata ’memuji’ berasal dari ’nilai/value’ dan ’harga/price’. Oleh karena itu dalam bulan ini pujian atau memuji harus mendominasi kehidupan kita. Kalender Ibrani memiliki waktu-waktu tertentu ketika berkat-berkat tertentu diperkatakan ke permukaan bumi.

Setiap bulan dirancang Tuhan untuk melepaskan suatu berkat ke dalam kehidupan kita. Ia ingin sekali agar kita bergerak dari berkat pada berkat sepanjang tahun ini. Selama bulan pertama ini ada beberapa hal yang harus kita kerjakan terlebih dahulu. Tuhan berfirman kepada Musa dan Harun dan berkata, ”Bulan inilah akan menjadi permulaan segala bulan bagimu; itu akan menjadi bulan pertama bagimu tiap-tiap tahun.” (Keluaran 12:2) Bulan ini menandai permulaan gerakan orang-orang Ibrani keluar dari Mesir dan masuk ke dalam perjanjian-Nya. Meskipun gereja telah bergerak merayakan konsep Paskah gaya Babel, kita masih memperingati penebusan darah dengan mengakui kebangkitan Tuhan Yesus Kristus.

Pada bulan ini kita harus menyadari bahwa musim ini bukanlah saatnya bagi tubuh Kristus untuk berdiam diri. Pada bulan seperti ini bangsa Israel melakukan apa yang disebut ’pujian gila-gilaan’ atau ’violent praise’. Ada banyak contoh orang-orang Israel melakukan pujian gila-gilaan. Musa dan Miryam keduanya bernyanyi dan berdansa ketika mereka keluar dari Mesir. Miryam pada waktu itu sudah berusia 90 tahun ketika dia memimpin umat Tuhan berdansa di hadirat Tuhan. Orang-orang Israel juga mengekspresikan pujian gila-gilaan di depan tembok Yeriko. Gideon melakukan pujian gila-gilaan di hadapan orang-orang Midian. Paulus dan Silas juga melakukan pujian gila-gilaan sehabis mereka dianiaya yang melepaskan mereka keluar dari penjara. Apa yang harus dikatakan selama pujian gila-gilaan? Jangan khawatir apa yang harus dikatakan, hanya biarkan hati anda meresponi Allah bahwa Dia layak dipuji dan disembah! Mazmur 81:11, ”Akulah TUHAN, Allahmu, yang menuntun engkau keluar dari tanah Mesir: bukalah mulutmu lebar-lebar, maka Aku akan membuatnya penuh.”
Pemulihan Pondok Daud berlangsung di bumi pada generasi ini. Anda harus membaca Amos 9 dan juga Kisah Para Rasul 15, dan kemudian kitab Wahyu. Yang satu menyatakan secara profetik, yang kedua menyatakan sejarahnya, yang ketiga menyatakan peperangan yang sekarang terjadi di alam sorgawi. Apabila anda membaca dengan teliti, anda akan melihat bagaimana kita sebagai balatentara Allah di bumi akan bekerjasama dengan Pencipta Langit dan Bumi untuk melimpahkan kuasa Roh Kudus yang melanda semua bangsa-bangsa di bumi. Hal ini akan membuka penuaian global. Pujian gila-gilaan yang kita lakukan sedang menyiapkan lumbung-lumbung bagi penuaian di dalam Kerajaan-Nya.

Bulan Nisan adalah bulan melewati atau passover. Inilah waktunya kita menyeberang ke dalam bagian warisan yang telah dijanjikan bagi kita. Bacalah Yosua 3:14-17. Saya percaya kita sedang bergerak dalam waktu-Nya Allah yang sempurna. Timing itu begitu penting. Sebab di dalam Dia kita hidup, kita bergerak, kita ada (KPR 17:28). Saya berdoa agar anda ada di dalam waktu-Nya Allah yang sempurna.


We have now entered the month of Nisan, the first of months. The tribe that the Lord chose to be first was Judah. Judah means praise. The word praise originates from value and price. So in this month, praise should be preeminent. The Hebraic calendar has certain times when certain blessings can be spoken into the earth.
Each month is designed by the Lord to release a blessing into our life. His desire is for us to move from blessing to blessing all year. In this first of months there are certain things which must be done first. The Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron and said "This month shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you" (Ex. 12:2 NKJV). This month marks the beginning of the Hebrews' movement out of Egypt and into His covenant. Even as the church became secularized and moved in the Babylonian concept of Easter, we still operate in the observance of deliverance by the Blood by recognizing the Resurrection.

This is Not a Season for the Body of Christ to be Passive
There are many wonderful examples where the Israelites expressed violent praise. Moses and Miriam both sang and danced when they passed out of Egypt. Miriam was actually 90 years old when she led the congregation in dancing. The Israelites also expressed violent praise at Jericho. Gideon expressed violent praise over the Midianites. Paul and Silas expressed violent praise that shook them out of prison. Don't worry about what to say to praise violently - just let your heart respond to God for He IS worthy! Psalm 81:10 says, I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt; open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.

The restoration of David's Tabernacle is advancing in the earth realm in this generation. You should read Amos 9 as well as Acts 15, and then the book of Revelation. One expresses prophetically, another expresses historically, and the latter reveals the present expression of the war in the heavens. When you read more closely, you can see how we, as God's army in the earth, will co-labor with the Host of Heaven to express a Holy God's overcoming power throughout the nations of the earth. This will unlock a global harvest. Your violent praise is preparing a storehouse for Kingdom harvest.

As you praise violently you are also releasing the Roar of the Lord that has been held captive in God's people. Let me explain the Roar of the Lord. God's sound permeates from heaven and orders much of what goes on in the earthly realm. When He is ready to bring restoration to Earth, He releases His sound. Judah goes first! Judah roars! The roar of God is within us. Judah means Praise Yahweh. Do not resist the major shift that is re-creating the way we worship and corporate acknowledgment of God. Yahweh signifies the God of covenant. This is a month when our praise and worship is important to the LORD. This is also a time when we begin to value the covenant that He has allowed us to enter into with Him. What a price He paid to give us access to the Throne Room. Our worship will take on great covenant significance at this time, and release great blessings into the earthly realm.

Nisan is the Passover month. This is a time to CROSSOVER into the inheritance that has been promised you. Joshua 3:15-17 says, And those who bore the ark came to the Jordan, and the feet of the priests who bore the ark dipped in the edge of the water (for the Jordan overflows all its banks during the time of harvest)...and the people crossed over completely to the other side of the Jordan. I believe we are moving in God's perfect time. Timing is so important. In Him, we move and have our being(Acts 17:24-26, Col. 1:19, 2:9). I am praying for you to be in God's perfect timing. On April 20, we are hosting a special PASSOVER service. I hope many of you will be able to join us for that time (details below).

Violence means vehement, forcible, or destructive action, often involving infringement, outrage, or assault. Matthew 11:12-13 says, And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. In the phrase, "the kingdom of heaven suffers violence," a share in the heavenly kingdom is sought for with the most ardent zeal and the most intense exertion. The NIV reads, "The kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it." To give praise to God is to proclaim His merit or worth in every situation that we find ourselves encountering. You can shout Glory! You can release blessing! Your heart can express thanksgiving. Praise includes offering of sacrifices (Lev. 7:13), physical movement (2 Sam. 6:14), silence and meditation (Ps. 77:11-12), testimony (Ps. 66:16), prayer (Phil. 4:6), and a holy life (1 Pet. 1:3-9). Praise is linked to music, both instrumental (Ps. 150:3-5) and vocal. Praise includes spontaneous outbursts of thanksgiving for some redemptive act of God (Ex. 15; Judg. 5; 1 Sam. 2; Luke 1:46-55, 67-79). Praise also includes formal psalms and hymns adapted for corporate worship (2 Chron. 29:30) and church (Col. 3:16). Praise should be a heart expression and not an outward show (Matt. 15:8).

The Sound of the Throne Room
God is pursuing His people. The Spirit of the Lord is calling us to worship. God is releasing a sound from Heaven that is being embraced by people all over the world. The call causes us to draw near to Him and to each other. The sound causes us to go to war. We must manifest on Earth what God says in Heaven. God's sound permeates from Heaven and orders much of what goes on in the earthly realm. When He is ready to bring restoration to Earth, He releases His sound.

A physical sound has always led the armies of God forth. I always visualize it this way: God is on His Throne, and Jesus is seated next to Him. Jesus is the door that we have into the Father's Throne. The Word of God tells us in James 5 to submit ourselves to God, draw near to Him and then resist the devil. I believe that as we worship and submit ourselves to a holy God, we can come into intimate contact with Him. Even though we walk here on the earth in our worshipful submission, we ascend into Heaven. As we individually seek God and ascend into the Throne Room, we can hear the sound in Heaven in our spirit man on Earth. We also find this all the way through the book of Revelation. The book of Revelation is just an incredible, elaborate pageant that is interpreted to us by heavenly, celestial singers along with creatures and elders. John saw a door standing open in Heaven, and the voice he heard was like a trumpet speaking and saying, Come up here and I will show you things that must take place after this (see Rev. 1:10). The Lord's voice, many times, sounds like a trumpet calling us forth. The trumpet, or shofar, in the Word of God had a distinct sound to assemble and call God's people to war.

Nisan is the Passover month. This is a time to CROSSOVER into the inheritance that has been promised you. Joshua 3:15-17 says, And those who bore the ark came to the Jordan, and the feet of the priests who bore the ark dipped in the edge of the water (for the Jordan overflows all its banks during the time of harvest)...and the people crossed over completely to the other side of the Jordan. I believe we are moving in God's perfect time. Timing is so important. In Him, we move and have our being(Acts 17:24-26, Col. 1:19, 2:9). I am praying for you to be in God's perfect timing.

Ditulis oleh Hadi Kristadi untuk PENTAS KESAKSIAN

Kesaksian Pembaca Buku "Mukjizat Kehidupan"

Pada tanggal 28 Oktober 2009 datang SMS dari seorang Ibu di NTT, bunyinya:
"Terpujilah Tuhan karena buku "Mukjizat Kehidupan", saya belajar untuk bisa mengampuni, sabar, dan punya waktu di hadirat Tuhan, dan akhirnya Rumah Tangga saya dipulihkan, suami saya sudah mau berdoa. Buku ini telah jadi berkat buat teman-teman di Pasir Panjang, Kupang, NTT. Kami belajar mengasihi, mengampuni, dan selalu punya waktu berdoa."

Hall of Fame - Daftar Pembaca Yang Diberkati Buku Mukjizat Kehidupan

  • A. Rudy Hartono Kurniawan - Juara All England 8 x dan Asian Hero
  • B. Pdt. DR. Ir. Niko Njotorahardjo
  • C. Pdt. Ir. Djohan Handojo
  • D. Jeffry S. Tjandra - Worshipper
  • E. Pdt. Petrus Agung - Semarang
  • F. Bpk. Irsan
  • G. Ir. Ciputra - Jakarta
  • H. Pdt. Dr. Danny Tumiwa SH
  • I. Erich Unarto S.E - Pendiri dan Pemimpin "Manna Sorgawi"
  • J. Beni Prananto - Pengusaha
  • K. Aryanto Agus Mulyo - Partner Kantor Akuntan
  • L. Ir. Handaka Santosa - CEO Senayan City
  • M. Pdt. Drs. Budi Sastradiputra - Jakarta
  • N. Pdm. Lim Lim - Jakarta
  • O. Lisa Honoris - Kawai Music Shool Jakarta
  • P. Ny. Rachel Sudarmanto - Jakarta
  • Q. Ps. Levi Supit - Jakarta
  • R. Pdt. Samuel Gunawan - Jakarta
  • S. F.A Djaya - Tamara Jaya - By Pass Ngurah Rai - Jimbaran - Bali
  • T. Ps. Kong - City Blessing Church - Jakarta
  • U. dr. Yoyong Kohar - Jakarta
  • V. Haryanto - Gereja Katholik - Jakarta
  • W. Fanny Irwanto - Jakarta
  • X. dr. Sylvia/Yan Cen - Jakarta
  • Y. Ir. Junna - Jakarta
  • Z. Yudi - Raffles Hill - Cibubur
  • ZA. Budi Setiawan - GBI PRJ - Jakarta
  • ZB. Christine - Intercon - Jakarta
  • ZC. Budi Setiawan - CWS Kelapa Gading - Jakarta
  • ZD. Oshin - Menara BTN - Jakarta
  • ZE. Johan Sunarto - Tanah Pasir - Jakarta
  • ZF. Waney - Jl. Kesehatan - Jakarta
  • ZG. Lukas Kacaribu - Jakarta
  • ZH. Oma Lydia Abraham - Jakarta
  • ZI. Elida Malik - Kuningan Timur - Jakarta
  • ZJ. Luci - Sunter Paradise - Jakarta
  • ZK. Irene - Arlin Indah - Jakarta Timur
  • ZL. Ny. Hendri Suswardani - Depok
  • ZM. Marthin Tertius - Bank Artha Graha - Manado
  • ZN. Titin - PT. Tripolyta - Jakarta
  • ZO. Wiwiek - Menteng - Jakarta
  • ZP. Agatha - PT. STUD - Menara Batavia - Jakarta
  • ZR. Albertus - Gunung Sahari - Jakarta
  • ZS. Febryanti - Metro Permata - Jakarta
  • ZT. Susy - Metro Permata - Jakarta
  • ZU. Justanti - USAID - Makassar
  • ZV. Welian - Tangerang
  • ZW. Dwiyono - Karawaci
  • ZX. Essa Pujowati - Jakarta
  • ZY. Nelly - Pejaten Timur - Jakarta
  • ZZ. C. Nugraheni - Gramedia - Jakarta
  • ZZA. Myke - Wisma Presisi - Jakarta
  • ZZB. Wesley - Simpang Darmo Permai - Surabaya
  • ZZC. Ray Monoarfa - Kemang - Jakarta
  • ZZD. Pdt. Sunaryo Djaya - Bethany - Jakarta
  • ZZE. Max Boham - Sidoarjo - Jatim
  • ZZF. Julia Bing - Semarang
  • ZZG. Rika - Tanjung Karang
  • ZZH. Yusak Prasetyo - Batam
  • ZZI. Evi Anggraini - Jakarta
  • ZZJ. Kodden Manik - Cilegon